Monday, July 03, 2006

A minute on the lips

So, we've got a wedding this Saturday -- Clive and Pippa. I'm reading a poem, PJ's an usher, all very nice. It's going to be a smart do, but I'm feeling confident. After all, this time last year I bought myself a dress specifically for weddings. Good fit, nice pair of shoes to go with it, co-ordinating bag and cardi. Sorted.

Or so I thought . . .

"Oh well, guess I'd better try on the dress just to make sure it still fits, ha ha!" I joked when I got home from work. "Wouldn't it be a disaster if it was too small!"

You know what's coming next, don't you?

Yep, it strained across my hips. Where it used to hang nicely across them, it now pulled taut. Why? WHY? I have NO idea. I mean, I'm cycling at least 60 km a week, doing AN AVERAGE of FOUR exercise sessions on top of that, I have made ONE cake in the past two months, and still! THE BLOODY DRESS NO LONGER FITS!!! That's 50 quid per wear and a whole heap of misery!!!

I suppose I should be grateful that, bizarrely, a dress I bought 3 years ago is suitable (Chelsea blue) and still fits -- apparently my weight gain is localised exclusively to this other dress. And I should be grateful that I have enough food, unlike many people in the world. And that I'm not actually overweight, despite the incipient (or is it now full-blown) paranoia. And maybe it's just all the swimming has lifted my arse by about an inch and broadened my back, thus rendering the dress unwearable But good God, is it too much to ask that age + healthy diet + doing more exercise than anyone else I know not actually result in weight gain? Is it?


stinkypaw said...

If you're increasing your muscle mass, you might (most likely) gain weight in the process... sadly enough.
And if you're cycling so much, maybe your thighs' muscles just got a little more developed?

Beth said...

stinkypaw is right. It is a harbinger of good health and fitness. The shape of your body has most likely changed to do all the working out. Of course the important thing is how you feel. How do you feel?

Norfolk Dumpling said...

At the moment, I feel frustrated and angry. Putting on a dress that used to fit and now seeing that it's too tight -- even if you "know" that it's because you are healthier -- is a totally depressing experience.

I am very shallow, though. Thank you for your support!