Friday, July 21, 2006

Why must they taunt me so?

Somebody at Albert, our supermarket delivery service, obviously read my blog about my kitty biological clock -- and has an extremely cruel sense of humour. Yesterday's free gift with our essential water-beer-coke order was a packet of cat food. Yes, the perfect gift for the couple who have never ordered pet supplies from their service and so clearly don't have a cat. Sniff. Bastards. Now, I don't know much about marketing -- I only correct the spelling on research about marketing -- but one of the key points is about targeting the right audience with the right message at the right time. Giving sample packs of cat food to people without cats wouldn't seem to fulfill that mission.

In addition, what do they hope to achieve even with cat owners? What's the best you can say about cat food to your friends? That Patches didn't hate it or vomit profusely after eating it? In my experience, that applies to virtually every foodstuff going: birds, squirrels, spider plants -- Aristotle even ate malt loaf and porridge! And cats are curiously reluctant to participate in viral marketing campaigns; their lack of opposable thumbs makes it difficult for them to email comedy videos on YouTube to their friends.

So Albert, wrong audience, wrong message, wrong time.


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