Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Still sweltering

The thunderstorm they've been promising has not yet arrived, so it was another sticky, sleepless night in Dumpling Towers. I awoke feeling both swollen and dessicated -- something that would seem most unlikely from the 5 seasons of CSI (the Las Vegas one) that I've watched. Of course, I did focus rather more on Nick's haircut and Catherine's hugely inappropriate workwear -- hey, she could be Dutch! -- than on the science-y bits, but it still seems like an unlikely combination. It clouded over at lunchtime and the temperature started to drop, but then blue skies returned and the heat has returned in force. Curses! Foiled again.

My brain is fried. I can barely think (or type). I take back every nasty thing I've ever said about airconditioning.

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