Emergency shoe repairs: I could say something here about shoddy Dutch shoemanship, but I'm feeling charitable, so I won't.

Her name was Lola, she was an ... ice-cream van? Lola's restaurant was the venue for the bride and groom's first date, so getting its ice-cream van along was a lovely touch on a warm day, and the G&T sorbet helped get people in the mood for the plentiful champagne and Pimms that awaited us at the reception.

And just to make sure there were no incidents with the old bill after said G&Ts, a couple of London buses took us to the reception. I haven't been pointed at by tourists so much since I had to wear sub fusc for finals back in the city of dreaming spires in 1993.

All in all, a lovely day: a happy occasion, great people, top-notch food, and lots and lots to drink! Perfect!
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