Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ramvik, Lakke, and Vika Artur

An excursion to Leiden yesterday; the foolhardiness of an expedition to IKEA today -- we're really making the most of our final few weeks here. Thanks to Bill's expert navigation of the hellish upper floor of IKEA and his willingness to drive us back, laden with goods (not all of which were mini Dime bars), the trip wasn't too bad. Yes, it was hard to understand the new metro ticket machines at Centraal. Yes, we had a minor incident on the metro out to Bullewijk, where the metro appeared to break down at Amstel Station, we got off, and then the doors slammed shut and it headed off again, leaving us to wait on an icy-wind-ridden station for 7 minutes. Yes, IKEA was packed on one of the few Sundays of the year when it was actually open. And yes, it didn't have the plain wood version of the trestle table legs we wanted, forcing us to take the more expensive white option. But, all in all, it was a quick and easy visit. And the hailstorm we encountered on our way home was truly impressive!

We will never take the metro in Amsterdam again. And we will never go to the Amsterdam IKEA again. Sniff ... NOT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but do you realise how hard it is to buy Vika Artur trestles in Europe?