Tuesday, March 27, 2007

O-day: April 4

As expected, Whirlpool failed to call me yesterday. I phoned them yet again this morning, and once again explained the situation. It's now a bit like my father's ability to read Harry the Dirty Dog off by heart to us when we were kids and demanding a bedtime story;* I know the dates, the promises, the missed appointments and can recite them rote. Anyway, the lady on the other end said that it looked like the engineer had the spare part and would come round on April 4, but that she'd check with a colleague and call me to confirm. Which she did. As did another colleague, 10 minutes later. So I don't know whether I've got two appointments or just one, but I don't care. My oven MIGHT get fixed less than a week before we move out.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

* Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything, except having a bath. So one day, when he heard the water running in the tub, he picked up the scrubbing brush and he buried it in the back garden ...

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