Monday, March 26, 2007

Backstroke, Cloggie style

In the pool this morning, doing my usual 40 lengths: 2 of my breaststroke, 4 of backstroke, repeat 6 times, finish up with 2 of backstroke, 2 of breastroke. Out, shower, dress, off to work. There are a couple of regulars, who I'm now on nodding terms with -- and one old chap who even warrants the occasional good morning. I've always been slightly puzzled by his swimming style. He wears his glasses in the pool, so I understand the hesitant, head-above-water breastroke, but his backstroke is just weird. Normally, you lie flat on your back, kick your legs, and rotate your arms over your head, one at a time. Result? You power through the water (and yet you're on your back, so it's not like real exercise!). Not him. He lies on his back, knees down trailing in the water, and limply flails his arms at the same time partially over his head. Result? Extremely slow progress. I presumed it was just his thing, maybe the result of a medical condition or a lack of confidence in the water. However, this morning a middle-aged woman (i.e., older than me) was in the pool, slowly making her way up the lane in exactly the same way. Is this how the Dutch are taught how to do backstroke? You'd think with all the water around here that they'd need to learn how to swim properly, rather than aimlessly paddling along on their backs.


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