Friday, June 23, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Five things I now accept I will never achieve:

1. I will never weigh the same as I did when I was 25.
2. I will never be 5'4".
3. I will never be rich or famous, unless I kill someone.
4. I will never score a goal for Norwich City.
5. I will never see The Smiths play live.

On the other hand, since the UK government raised the state pension age to 68, I've got another 33 years of work ahead of me. Which means that I have plenty of time to change my career. Here are my current options:

1. Part-time pizza maker for the excellent wood-fired pizza place round the corner.
2. Plumber.
3. Kitten and puppy petter.

Decisions, decisions. I think I'll have another doughnut -- come on, it IS my birthday -- and ponder this one a little more.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, you irrepressable dumpling, you! Hope it's smashing.

Anonymous said...

Eek, typo alert! That's what I get for commenting before I've had coffee.

stinkypaw said...

Hope you had a great birthday and like Maxine says so well "Take every birthday with a grain of salt. This works much better if the salt accompanies a large margarita."

Anonymous said...

But #5 is a good thing!