Thursday, June 08, 2006

Red in tooth and claw

It's not just birds and pickled fish that are plaguing us at the moment. The slight rise in temperatures has heralded the start of bug season here in the 'Dam. I doubt that the mosquitoes are malarial -- although best to imbibe large G&T's as a precaution, obviously -- but they are exceptionally annoying, as are the large clouds of small blackflies that are present along the banks of the canals and by trees in the park. PJ is unable to sleep in the same room as a bug and I hate sleeping with all the windows closed, so summer tends to turn the bedroom into a battleground. We have mosquito nets up on the window and try to keep doors shut in the rest of the apartment, but to little avail. And I really dislike the chemical sprays and plug-ins that you can get to kill the critters, finding them far more unpleasant than the bugs.

Does anyone out there have good/cheap solutions to this problem? Other than moving, I mean.

1 comment:

Beth said...

We've tried a few things including fans and mosquito nets. having a fan near the bed can ward off the little biters. Also an attractively hung klamboe can give your room a pseudo-colonial feel and keep the bugs out. There's a shop that specializes in mosquito nets on the Keizergracht (I think) (one of the grachts not far from your place anyway) called Klamboe. Good hunting!