We put this up just as England finished beating Ecuador.* It would have gone up earlier, had BMI managed to get us back to Amsterdam on time, but it wasn't to be. We sat on the tarmac at Heathrow, waiting for a leak in a water tank to be fixed, then waiting for a slot to become available, and watching the time ticking away. Then our taxi driver took the most tortuous route back to Dumpling Towers, with the result that we missed the goal and only caught the final 17 minutes. Probably a good thing, though. I'm still shockingly bad at actually watching the matches -- nerves, you see.
Now, Holland or Portugal? I think I'd rather have us play (and lose) to Portugal in the quarter-finals than to Holland. No, I KNOW I'd rather have us play (and lose) to Portugal than Holland! Come on Portugal!!!
* I'd have taken a picture of this from the canal side, if it wasn't for the torrential rain that we're currently experiencing. But you get the idea.
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