Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Spam spam spam spamitty spam!

Oooh, what's this? An invitation from BMI to enter a prize draw to win a trip to Antigua or 1000 pounds to spend in Selfridges? I'm taking a trip with them before July 10, so I'm eligible to enter. Excellent!

Let's see. Click on the pictures, activate the link, and enter my details. Diamond Club number? Check. Password? Hmm, let's try the usual one. OK, incorrect password. Hmm, let's hit "Forgotten password" and see what happens.

New screen. Enter Diamond Club number to regain password. Do that. No profile found. OK, set up new profile. Done! Let's wait a few minutes for this to update.

Go back to registration screen for the competition. Enter details. Diamond Club number? Check. Password? Checkity check!

Oh. Incorrect password. Let's try the forgotten password option again. New screen. Enter Diamond Club number to regain password. Do that. No profile found. WHAT!!!!?!?! I've just set one up, you &%&*&%*^&&&!!!!

Deep cleansing breaths. Think of a holiday in Antigua or Selfridges. Think calm thoughts.

Try entering email address instead of Diamond Club number. Ooh, success! Password reset and sent to email address! Tiptoe over to Outlook to check.

And refresh and check.

[5 minutes elapse]

And refresh and check.

[5 minutes elapse]

Hang on, I'll check my spam filter. Yep, there it is. Copy/paste new password into the registration form. Nope, still incorrect.

Oh sod it. Antigua's full of bugs; Selfridges is full of meejah tossers; and my life's too short to waste on stupid competitions.

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