Friday, December 01, 2006

The explosive nature of Dutch speed skaters

Another Thursday at the gym, another opportunity to read the entertaining (for the wrong reasons) English language newspaper, The Times. This gem in the sports section caught my eye:

Combustibility, as opposed to a long, rhythmic endurance race, is not one of the Dutchmen's best features.

I'm sure that if thoroughly doused in petrol, a Dutchman is just as likely to combust when lighting a cigarette as someone from any other nation -- but I'm sure that's not what was meant. This looks like a Word thesaurus or babelfish mistranslation of "Exploding out of the blocks/off the starting line," but I think I almost prefer the original. I'd certainly pay good money to watch Dutch speed skaters going up in flames, an event that would attract record viewing figures.

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