Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A helpful hint

When you're making a lovely kaju saathe khichoi pulao (Parsi-style coconut and cashew nut rice) from a recipe you ripped out of a BMI in-flight magazine, it's worth counting the number of whole peppercorns you put in, rather than just chucking in a large pinch. Carefully sorting through a panful of hot rice for each of the little buggers is no fine. And no, it's not the heat they provide that's the problem, but the pain they generate if you bite into one by accident.

It tastes fabulous though -- and vegan, too! We're having it with a spicy cauliflower and butternut squash stew.


Mondale said...

If you're well enough to cook vegan food, you're well enough to go to school.

Norfolk Dumpling said...

I've been working hard at home for the past two days. It's purely out of concern for my fellow man/woman that I'm not in the office. But I'll go back tomorrow -- if I must, Mum.