1. I'm a chucker, PJ's a hoarder. Which mean that we argue over whether to keep just about everything. Of course we need those SIX empty Tanqueray Ten bottles! Why wouldn't we want to ship the world's largest collection of European plug four-ways. Old Amazon receipts from 2004? Well, they might come in handy one day. The house we're moving to had better have TARDIS-like proportions to contain all our crap. And that's another problem in itself. We only saw the house for about 30 minutes in total, the pictures we have aren't particularly useful, and neither the agent nor the landlady can give us room measurements. So, in my glass half-empty way, I think it's considerably smaller than it probably is, while PJ is full of boundless optimism and thinks it's much larger. And everytime PJ points out that there's a lot of cupboard space, I respond that I've already (mentally) filled all that space and there's still his collection of Japanese ticket stubs to fit in! ARGH!
2. Given that we are discarding some small cabinets, we now have piles of stuff in the living room. The movers will also pack for us, which is a fantastic service - I don't know how people pack books themselves, as I get halfway through and then start reading long-last favourites, before chucking as many as possible into a box and then not being able to lift it. However, the piles of stuff started piling up on Wednesday last week and the movers don't come till Tuesday, which means I've got about five straight days of feeling slightly nauseous every time I walk into the living room and am confronted with this.

I think we should go for a long bike ride today to get away from it all.
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