Thursday, January 11, 2007

Enter three witches

Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.

Disgusting weather again today; at this point, I'd prefer cycling to work over ice than battling the wind and rain down the Kinkerstraat. The planes are coming into Schiphol very low over our building, emerging from the swirling clouds a couple of hundred feet away with their fog lights on. It's slightly unnerving watching them battle the winds, tilting to one side in the event of a sudden, strong gust. Glad I'm inside and not up there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you were talking about...I was out there...flying 15 hours total (Cape Town - Munich - Dusseldorf - Amsterdam) over stormy, bumpy, windy drinks served after Munich because of the turbulance.
I was Ok...but my poor dog Tomi sitting with cargo in his small kennel....propably had it worse.
Well, we made it again back safe and sound to grey, windy and rainy Amsterdam....what went wrong there?? I left Cape Town on full sunshine and 32+ degree....for this??? I must be crazy.