A discreet piece of royalist sucking-up on a surprisingly light and airy late Victorian building.

No surprise that this caught my eye.

A self-fulfilling prophecy or the far-sighted wisdom of a religious leader?

300 paces east is Marble Arch, one of London's busiest traffic junctions. I have therefore been unable to check the veracity of this plaque and the stone commemorating the infamous gallows.

I can't work out whether the Dutch don't feel the same need to put engrave their history on the side of buildings or that I simply don't notice because I'm a) cycling past at speed or b) not attracted to reading things that are in Dutch. I know that they put lots of pictures on their buildings -- carved doves, Moorish heads, bags of gold, boats etc -- to indicate who once lived there, but not words. Perhaps there's a visual bent to the Dutch that I've not previously appreciated? Do you think I could get a grant to study it? Beats working for a living!
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