Wednesday, October 18, 2006

For want of a decent photo blogging service ...

Because Blogger's photo uploading service wasn't working properly Monday evening, I had to post pictures from work yesterday afternoon.

Because it still wasn't working properly yesterday afternoon, I could only post 4 pictures -- slowly.

Because I could only post pictures slowly, I was late shutting down my machine.

Because I was late shutting down my machine, I rushed off to yoga, forgetting that I was working from home the following morning.

Because I forgot that I was working from home the following morning, I forgot to take my laptop with me.

Because I forgot to take my laptop with me, I had to go back to the office, thinking "Shit, shit, shit! Going to miss yoga!"

Because I was panicking, I cycled incredibly quickly and made it to yoga with minutes to spare.

Because I cycled incredibly quickly and made it to yoga, I now ache today.

I'm blaming Google. Here is the final photo of the 7 (or should that be 6) layer cookie bars.

Actually, there should have been one more. But the photo uploading is on the fritz again, and I just can't face aching again tomorrow.

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