Sunday, January 29, 2006

This is the final boarding call

It's very unnerving to arrive at Boston airport and hear your friends and their family being paged twice for final boarding on their (different) flight back to Amsterdam. I've spent the subsequent 12 hours wondering if they made it. Guess I'll find out tomorrow when Bill does/does not turn up for work.

Bill/Beth: If you're reading this (in Amsterdam), let me know: I'd like to sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Beth said...

How very strange! We were sitting on the plane, having been the very first people to board with small children, with no idea that we were being paged in the terminal. I guess they forgot to take our boarding passes when we got on due to confusion over what to do with our stroller.

Rest assured, we're fine, aside from recovering from any and all psychic damage incurred suffering a stomach flu while in the states. (see my blog for graphic details)