The first dance:

The father of the bride:

Salsa conmigo!

Burn baby burn!

I, unfortunately, was largely relagated to the sidelines by my dodgy toe. Had I been dancing, I would have put them all to shame, of course. In fact, by not dancing I was merely making sure I didn't overshadow the bride. After all, it's all about her, isn't it? And yes, my toe does still hurt, and I'm now pretty sure I've broken it, thanks for asking. Although, after shutting my arm in the car door last night, that large, swollen, painful bruise is something of a distraction. Thankfully.
hmmm . .. wine bottle on your toe . . . slamming the car door on your arm . . . you're going to run out of excuses . . . clearly, it's time to admit that domestic violence is involved . . . :-)
It does seem like that, I know. But I just bruise really easily!
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