By 8 p.m. yesterday, all of the stuff we'd left out on the street had gone -- monitor, recycling bags, even the work-branded coffee mug. Success -- or so we thought. At 8 a.m. this morning, the monitor stand was back outside; who on earth would take a plastic stand, realize it didn't fit, and then return it to the street they'd picked it up from? Crazy people, these Dutchies. When we headed out to pick up some dry-cleaning today, we saw a suspiciously familiar-looking monitor in a pile of rubbish about 20 yards up the street; presumably, someone had picked it up, got about a minute into their journey, and then realized that they couldn't get any further with it. Oh well, not our problem any more.
A quiet day today: We got some early prep in for the World Cup, moving the "big" TV into the living room (and subsequently having to rearrange most of the furniture). And then Chinese noodle salad for dinner while watching "Closer". I don't know how anyone could find Jude Law attractive after seeing this film. But the salad was great.
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