The past six weeks has largely consisted of shifting boxes from one place to another, trying not to trip over them or scream too loudly during the process. We have so much stuff -- and this doesn't include the 5,000 LPs and myriad comic boxes that PJ has in storage. Seriously. I thought that moving to a larger house with more rooms than we've ever had before would make life easier, less cluttered, but no; we are still held hostage by our vast amounts of stuff. As a result, we've had to take a two-pronged approach: 1) "recycle" lots of things straight into Winchester's fine "waste recycling centre" (the middle-class term for the dump), and 2) buy more storage solutions. The first tack is somewhat easier for me than for PJ; I'm a chucker, he's a hoarder -- but he's doing extremely well and has even binned some of those 2006 press releases for PC games he's never played. Congratulations! Part 2 arrived in the form of a palette of plastic storage crates, which the poor deliveryman had to wheel up our deconstructed road as his lorry couldn't get round the corner. These lurked ominously in our garage for a couple of days, before starting to be filled with those things from our cardboard packing boxes that we apparently "need" yet won't need to "access" for another 10 years.* Now, if I can just get that vinyl and those comics onto eBay without PJ noticing ...

*I'm not moving for at least a decade. This has been exhausting.
1 comment:
And you still have 3 boxes at my father's which I had in my Amsterdam basement!
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