We left the secondhand smoke of Vegas behind and hit the I-15 to LA. Long straight roads over the mountains, a quick refreshment break at a truck stop outside Victorville, and then I took the wheel of the car to drive the remaining 100 miles to Cheviot Hills. Driving on the freeways around LA is scary. In the UK, it's illegal to "under-take" -- not so in the US. Nope, you can cut across multiple lanes, scream up the inside lane and pull in front without indicating, and you can do this while taking a call on your cell and drinking a coffee. Madness -- or, perhaps, a way of weeding out the weaker/stupider members of society.
However, the hideous journey was worth it. Not only did we stay in a beautiful house with lovely people and one of the best dogs ever, but the weather was gorgeous and we had a fab meal at Providence. No celebrity sightings unfortunately, but a good time nonetheless. I'm beginning to understand why people leave the UK in the winter; sunshine and blue skies in January are very welcome.

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