Friday, January 13, 2006

Never book a dental appointment for Friday 13th

While waiting at the dentist's for my crown to be built -- three times, as it happened, but that's a whole other blog entry -- I was forced to endure Dutch daytime TV. It's as bad as I would have guessed. Aerobics routines from the early '80s? Check. Bad role-play on how to cope with domestic violence? Check. Three Dutch women who called themselves "Dutch Divas," looked like pre-op trannies, and performed an out-of-tune medley of "Making Your Mind Up" and "Waterloo"? Check check check. These women had clearly never met a bronzer they didn't feel compelled to slather on; the lead singer was clearly the sort of woman who was an attention whore in high school, always putting on shows with her stumpy fat friends so that she looked more attractive; and they (clearly) couldn't sing or dance! God knows what the booker was thinking when he/she scheduled them. A favor to a friend? A wind-up? Total desperation?

Worse than having my teeth filled? In this case, most definitely!

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