Fat Bob* is a stray who's taken up residence on our street. We're a soft-hearted bunch of neighbours. He sleeps in a porch two doors up, and the owners have now put out a cosy cat blanket for him; I've fed him a couple of times, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. He's the loveliest cat -- extremely friendly, as well as being extremely greedy. But what to do with him? I've put up a notice in the local pub and called a couple of cat rescue places, and nobody's reported him missing. There are no signs up for him in the area. And, of course, he doesn't have a collar. I'll take him to the vet tomorrow to see if he's been chipped. Keep your fingers crossed that we can reunite him with his family.
* I don't know if Fat Bob is male or female, but the name suits "him".
ha! you caved! but i am also impressed with all you're doing to find Fat Bob's family (assuming there is one). Keep me posted!
If I didn't have the other two, I'd seriously consider adopting him. He's so affectionate!
Erm, I'm guessing that it should be quite easy to deterime the gender of a cat.. But then, I'm no doctor (or indeed, vet) and it could be more complex than I assume
He's a he - now confirmed
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