In just a short time, the kittens have firmly established themselves as in full control of the household. We feed them when they demand, clean out their (excellent) litter tray, and have taken to hiding away any and all objects that they might decide to chew -- i.e., all the books. We don't leave our room at night, as it's difficult to get them out of it once they come in, and we are constantly aware that a kitten may decide to land on our heads/legs/back, claws unsheathed, at any moment. They've also discovered a catnip toy -- chaos ensues. However, they are still adorable and the source of constant entertainment. And, they've fully cleaned out the space under the oven by dint of sliding under there on the blue rug. Now, if only I could tie dusters to their paws and get them to polish the parquet, we'd see a real return on our (considerable) investment.

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