Starting yesterday lunchtime, when we went out for a 4 km run -- reasonably impressive, given that neither of us are natural runners, PJ's carrying several injuries, and the last kilometer is uphill. Flushed (quite literally, in my case) with this success, we worked for the rest of the afternoon, then loaded up the car with all the remaining cardboard boxes and rubble in the garage and headed to the Eastleigh dump. We then moseyed through Eastleigh, under the M3, to the gigantic Asda in Chandler's Ford. This was ... impressive. Two floors, cheap food, a well-stocked Polish food section, presumably for all the local tradespeople, and we were the thinnest people in there. Thus heartened, we stopped off for fish n' chips on the way home, and proceeded to slump into a carb-driven coma, watching a couple of Liverpool-related episodes of Rock Family Trees.
At crack of noon today, we set off again. This time, our destination was
St Francis Animal Welfare Centre in Fair Oak to see if they had any kittens. We were in luck! Two sisters, who have been reserved for us! We just need to have a home check and buy vast quantities of stuff for them to eat from, sleep in, and poo next to (if Plato and Aristotle -- our former cats -- were anything to go by). Next, on to Up & Running in Chandler's Ford to get some new running shoes, in a sad attempt to convince ourselves that our inability to run fast or far is the result of bad footwear, rather than ineptitude. The shop was fantastic; no Adidas or Nikes in sight, and experienced runners who checked our feet, recorded our gait on a video and played it back, and then prescribed shoes to correct my weak left ankle (for me, obviously; PJ doesn't need to correct that problem, although he has plenty of his own). Finally, we headed down to The Old Forge for a light lunch and a lazy perusal of The Guardian. Back home, PJ swore mightily at the video game console, while I sat in the back garden, finishing off The Guardian and watching the birds. I am clearly morally superior.
Anyway, now it's time for Dr Who. Pip pip!