Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three reasons why hot weather is hateful

1. You have to water your garden every evening or watch your newly grassed patches of lawn and dianthus go brown and die.

2. The twice-weekly runs become even harder and sweatier.

3. Your neighbours start having meat-laden BBQs -- and the chicken wings and sausages smell SO good!

Will these blue skies and this oppressive sunshine never end?

(I have a feeling I wrote a post about hating hot weather before, but with 950 posts to go through, I couldn't be bothered searching for it. Apologies if anyone feels like they've been ripped off.)


Jess in boston said...

Really? REALLLY?? You must know that we Bostonians have been up against a month solid of rain, rain, and more rain. We had an hour of blue skies this afternoon, and everyone just about busted out of their clothes, they were so excited. Enjoy your sunshine for the rest of us, won't you?

durakje said...

"Hot" weather?!?

Oh noes, is Britain sizzling in the seventies again?