Sunday, June 18, 2006

Strewth! Who ate all the pies?

I had thought that the President of Brazil's querying of Ronaldo's weight was a little unfair -- until I started watching this afternoon's game against Australia. He is definitely looking quite porky, and his fumbles in front of the Australian goal suggest a man with something on his mind. Scoring a sausage roll rather than a goal, perhaps?

ETA: For some time now (er, since the start of the tournament), I've been trying to work out who Ronaldinho reminds me of. And I've just realised who it is; none other than that well-known patsy for the dark side, Jar Jar Binks! It's uncanny, I tell you.*


Jar Jar:

*A quick Google search shows that I'm not the first person to point this out. Apparently, ESPN Deportes calls him Jar Jar on air. So much for originality.


Mondale said...

As the North American operative for the South Norfolk People's Freedom Front (SNPFF) we have been enjoying you baked goods/World Cup related blogging. Do hope you don't mind but we have linked to your site.

Norfolk Dumpling said...

The South Norfolk People's Freedom Front? I have not heard of their work. Are you from Diss?

Feel free to link away!

Mondale said...

Thank you, We used to be affiliated with the NLA (Norfolk Liberation Army)but had to form a splinter faction when Gary sold his car. Diss is UVN territory (That's United Voice of Norfolk).We are humble folk from Wymondham now in exile in Brooklyn.

Norfolk Dumpling said...

Did you go to Wymondham High or Wymondham College?

Mondale said...

Hah! Both.